Cyber Security & Information Protection

Cyber security is now a board-level risk, not just an IT headache.

Legal support is essential in managing cyber risk. We at SAIL Advocates have commercially-minded legal experts to help you navigate the complex legal and regulatory framework that underlies this area.

Our global cyber security team can advise you on the full spectrum of cyber products to support your business with key developments in law and regulation. Areas in which we can support you include:

Due diligence
Our cyber experts will work with you to diligence your business, in order to develop a comprehensive cyber profile. This helps you to get to identify key cyber weaknesses, who your key stakeholders are, and where your main data storage/processing takes place. We work with you to conduct a gap analysis and help you to reach minimum requirements on all global cyber laws and regulations. Our advice includes:
• Technical and organizational security measures
• Applicable law and regulation
• Data mapping
• Supply chain management
• Diligence of M&A targets
• Policies and procedures
Planning for an attack
We will work closely with your business to map your due diligence assessment against global regulatory requirements, to create a plan which enables a strategic and controlled incident response in the case of a cyber-attack.

To ensure that your business is fully prepared, we will work with you on training and internal communications, as well as dry run war game exercises to assist with your response.

Responding to an attack
We are there to support you if an attack occurs. Our global network is available at all times through our 24-hour disaster hotline and would work diligently with your business to implement your cyber attack plan. This includes ensuring that you engage with regulators within the required time frames to comply with global breach notifications. Our advice includes:
• 24-hour disaster hotline
• Implementing the cyber attack plan
• Regulator engagement and breach notification requirements
• Crisis management
• Maintaining legal privilege
Following an attack
We would use our extensive knowledge of your business to assist with your business recovery, following your cyber attack.

Whether you are looking for a review of your cyber policies or responding with follow on litigation or enforcement, we have specialist advisors available globally to assist you. Our advice includes:
• Review and recovery
• Regulatory investigations and enforcement
• Litigation and dispute resolution

Data Privacy
Compliance with data privacy laws should be a top priority for all businesses
The global technology wave has established data as the new profound global business and heart of income. A business’s ability to transfer and use customer data and other information is both integral to the day-to-day running of a company and key to profitability and success.

With the evolution of global and local laws as well as policies on data, compliance and living up to the standards is no longer an option but a requirement. At SAIL Advocates, we are committed to addressing this and navigating our clients through to compliance.

We frequently advise clients on data privacy and confidentiality. We remain uniquely placed with lawyers specializing in data protection and related issues as well as deep litigation experience coupled with valuable relations with regulators.

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